class Boundary
Approximate boundary line with adjustable number of points.
Given an ordered set of pixels that form a line or a closed loop, constructs an approximation to the line. The number of points used can be chosen automatically or set by the user.
Public Functions
bool isLoop() const
Is the line a closed loop.
bool isValid() const
Is the line valid.
const std::vector<QPoint> &getPoints() const
The simplified line.
const std::vector<QPoint> &getAllPoints() const
The original un-simplified line.
std::size_t getMaxPoints() const
The maximum number of points used by the approximate line.
void setPoints(std::vector<QPoint> &&simplifiedPoints)
Set the simplified line points explicitly.
void setMaxPoints(std::size_t maxPoints)
Set the maximum number of points to use in the approximate line.
std::size_t setMaxPoints()
Automatically choose and return the maximum number of points to use in the approximate line.
explicit Boundary(const std::vector<QPoint> &boundaryPoints, bool isClosedLoop = false)
Construct a simplified line from on ordered set of points.
- Parameters:
boundaryPoints – [in] the boundary as an ordered set of points
isClosedLoop – [in] true if the last point implicitly connects to the first point to form a closed loop
bool isLoop() const
class ContourMap
struct Contours
Line Simplifier
class LineSimplifier
Simplify a line using Visvalingam-Whyatt polyline simplification.
Given an ordered set of pixels that form a line or a closed loop, construct an n-point approximation to the line.
Each point in the line is ranked according to the size of the triangle formed by itself and its two nearest neighbours, and points are removed in reverse order of importance. See 10.1179/000870493786962263 for more details.
Public Functions
void getSimplifiedLine(std::vector<QPoint> &line, const LineError &allowedError = {0.0, 0.5}) const
Construct a simplified line given a maximum allowed error.
- Parameters:
line – [out] the simplified lines
allowedError – [in] the maximum allowed error
void getSimplifiedLine(std::vector<QPoint> &line, std::size_t nPoints) const
Construct a simplified line given a maximum number of points.
- Parameters:
line – [out] the simplified lines
nPoints – [in] the maximum allowed number of points
const std::vector<QPoint> &getAllVertices() const
The original un-simplified line.
std::size_t maxPoints() const
The number of points in the original un-simplified line.
bool isValid() const
Is the line valid.
bool isLoop() const
Is the line a closed loop.
explicit LineSimplifier(const std::vector<QPoint> &points, bool isClosedLoop = false)
Construct a simplified version of the supplied line.
- Parameters:
points – [in] the ordered points that define the line
isClosedLoop – [in] true if the line represents a closed loop, i.e. the last point implicitly connects to the first point
void getSimplifiedLine(std::vector<QPoint> &line, const LineError &allowedError = {0.0, 0.5}) const
struct LineError
class PixelCornerIterator
Iterate around the edge vertices of a pixel contour.
Given a closed loop 8-connected pixel contour generated by Suzuki contour tracing, this class iterates around the edge vertices of the pixels to to produce a 4-connected contour of vertices.
The OpenCV function cv::findContours() implements Suzuki contour tracing.
Edge vertices are shifted by (-1/2,-1/2) relative to the pixel centre, e.g the (0,0) vertex corresponds to the top-left corner of the (0,0) pixel.
Public Functions
PixelCornerIterator(const std::vector<cv::Point> &points, bool outer)
Iterate around the edge vertices of a pixel contour.
Given a closed loop 8-connected pixel contour generated by Suzuki contour tracing, this class iterates around the edge vertices of the pixels to to produce a 4-connected contour of vertices.
- Parameters:
points – [in] 8-connected pixel contour as returned by cv::findContours()
outer – [in] true if the contour is an outer contour (has no parent)
cv::Point vertex() const
The current vertex.
bool done() const
Returns true if at the end of the contour.
PixelCornerIterator &operator++()
Progress to the next vertex in the contour.
PixelCornerIterator(const std::vector<cv::Point> &points, bool outer)
class Triangulate
Triangulate a set of boundary lines.
Given a set of boundary lines, a set of interior points for each compartment, and a maximum allowed triangle area for each compartment, constructs a Constrained Delauney Triangulation of the geometry, with the triangles labelled according to the compartment they belong to.
Public Functions
explicit Triangulate(const std::vector<Boundary> &boundaries, const std::vector<std::vector<QPointF>> &interiorPoints, const std::vector<std::size_t> &maxTriangleAreas)
Triangulate a set of boundary lines.
Given a set of boundary lines, a set of interior points for each compartment,
- Parameters:
boundaries – [in] the boundary lines separating the compartments
interiorPoints – [in] the interior point(s) for each compartment
maxTriangleAreas – [in] the maximum allowed triangle area for each compartment
const std::vector<QPointF> &getPoints() const
The vertices or points in the mesh.
- Returns:
The vertices in the mesh
const std::vector<std::vector<TriangulateTriangleIndex>> &getTriangleIndices() const
The triangle vertex indices.
For each compartment, the vertices of the triangles that define this compartment in the mesh.
- Returns:
The triangle vertex indices
explicit Triangulate(const std::vector<Boundary> &boundaries, const std::vector<std::vector<QPointF>> &interiorPoints, const std::vector<std::size_t> &maxTriangleAreas)